Research Development Support

The Center for Social & Behavioral Science (CSBS) serves the social and behavioral science community at Illinois by providing institutional infrastructure to help social and behavioral scientists conduct high impact research and apply for external grants.

Finding funding opportunities

We’ll help connect you to the funding opportunities that fit your research interests and timeline. We can also help you organize and clarify the potential fund.

Sample grants and grant materials

Unclear about how to start a grant? CSBS has example external submissions (e.g., to NSF, NIH) that can help catalyze your writing. CSBS can also provide sample data management plans, facilities statements, and other standard application components to help you hit the ground running.

Kaylee Lukacena

RD Spotlight: Kaylee Lukacena

“As more funders require interdisciplinary and interprofessional teams, the CSBS, if given enough notice, can do our best to identify and connect research teams with potential collaborators. We encourage faculty to seek out collaborators early on in the grant-getting process so they can devote adequate time toward relationship building, involving their collaborator in conceptualization of the project, and ensure their collaborator is included equitably in the budget.”

Read the full interview

Science & society support

Want to bring your science and society activities to the next level? Thinking about incorporating public engagement in another type of proposal? We can help you partner and collaborate with the community and design a plan for communication, translation, and dissemination. We also assist with monitoring and evaluation services.

Identifying potential collaborators

We’ll reach across campus to connect you to researchers with complementary skillsets. Whether you want to apply a different theoretical lens, or incorporate a completely new methodology, CSBS can help you find collaborators.

Assisting with meeting logistics

We’ll support your external submission by taking care of the scheduling, securing spaces, sending invitations, note-taking, and more.

Conducting comprehensive grant application review

Applying for a grant can be stressful. We’ll make it easier by providing a comprehensive review of all your application materials. We have considerable expertise in applying for external funding opportunities, and can help ensure that your application meets all the requirements and is as competitive as possible for a particular call.

Jessie Chin

Faculty Spotlight: Jessie Chin

“[CSBS] has been a tremendous help to me to identify research funding opportunities, facilitate research program development, and support funding application processes. They also helped increase the visibility of our research team and facilitate the grant application process. As a junior faculty, I really appreciate the guidance of CSBS.”

Elsa Augustine

Elsa Augustine
Inequity & Poverty

Kaylee Lukacena

Kaylee Lukacena
Social & Behavioral Health

Peter Ondish

Peter Ondish
Digital Revolution

Connect with us 

We look forward to working with you! Please contact us with questions about our programs or to discuss partnership opportunities.